About Your Credit Score
Before lenders make the decision to lend you money, they have to know that you are willing and able to repay that loan. To figure out your ability to repay, they look at your debt-to-income ratio. To assess your willingness to repay, they use your credit score.
The most widely used credit scores are called FICO scores, which Fair Isaac & Company, a financial analytics agency, developed. The FICO score ranges from 350 (high risk) to 850 (low risk). For details on FICO, read more here.
Your credit score comes from your history of repayment. They don't consider income or personal characteristics. Fair Isaac invented FICO specifically to exclude demographic factors. Credit scoring was envisioned as a way to assess a borrower's willingness to pay without considering other demographic factors.
Past delinquencies, derogatory payment behavior, debt level, length of credit history, types of credit and the number of credit inquiries are all considered in credit scores. Your score is calculated wtih both positive and negative items in your credit report. Late payments will lower your credit score, but establishing or reestablishing a good track record of making payments on time will improve your score.
Your report should have at least one account which has been open for six months or more, and at least one account that has been updated in the past six months for you to get a credit score. This history ensures that there is enough information in your report to build an accurate score. If you don't meet the criteria for getting a credit score, you may need to work on a credit history prior to applying for a mortgage loan.
AmeriBest Mortgage can answer questions about credit reports and many others. Give us a call: 3217777277.